Reflection shadow
The general use of shadow effect to make the object productive, Beautiful, Natural and draw attention from the audience. Because of that ,there is no other shadow effect is as much as attractive as a reflection shadow to represent a decorative product. In a particular way, Reflection shadow is normally created on the basis of Reflection like product shadow below the Glass or Water.
Now we are going to discuss proper steps of creating Reflection Shadow on the basis of previous Writting
Our final outcome of editing will be like this-
Now we are starting...... please read all the steps discussing below and try to make a good reflection shadow yourself.
Step 1 : Copy the object after creating clipping path as a layer 1 which we called object layer
Step 2 : Copy background layer and give white color background as a layer
Step 3 : Go to layer 1 and make a path with pen tool for making reflection shadow surface
Step 4 : Press (Ctrl+T) to select the already draw path
Step 5 : Select background copy layer and press (shift+6) to adjust feather radius (10)
Step 6 : Select background copy layer and press (Ctrl+c)+(Ctrl+v) to copy the create path of shadow in layer 2
Step 7 : Again selecting layer 2 press (Ctrl+U) to adjust hue/saturation and decrease the lightness level (-100)
Step 8 : Take Eraser tool to adjust the shadow area and erase what we don’t need to keep on the object surface
Step 9 : Select layer 1 and the bottom area of the object
Step 10 : Copy the select bottom area on layer 3
Step 11 : Select bottom area again and right click to go > Flip vertical
Step 12 : Place the flip horizontal area to a perfect order to make the further edit
Step 13 : Press (shift+Ctrl+x) to modify the area with liquefy tool to make adjust with the previous object to put on a reflect shadow
Step 14 : After adjusting with liquefy decrease 60% opacity on top right corner of the layer panel
Step 15 : Select eraser tool to make the shadow more realistic by remove to adjust the created
Step 16 : Merge all the layer and save the JPEG format
In our next session of Article, we will give you proper step by step process to creating a Mirror Effect which will be more interesting to applying on any object in Photoshop
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