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How To Do Layer Masking With Photoshop on Hair/ Woolen Related Images - Photoshop Photo Editing | Image Retouching | Background Remove | CutOut

How To Do Layer Masking With Photoshop on Hair/ Woolen Related Images

Layer Masking

A layer mask is great Photoshop retouching procedure to remove the background from hair or wool related photographs. It becomes very tricky to detach; when there is a hair related photo and background of photograph both have exact same color. Layer maskings are used to redefine background transparency levels in shades of white, gray or black. These can be done for either a specific group of layers.
That’s why it becomes necessary to use Eraser & background Eraser tool to create transparent background of the image and easily replace with another background

We can edit any background by easy removing process which we called photo masking.In photo masking, we can differentiate 3 masking

  1. layer masking
  2. Channel masking
  3. Alpha masking 

If we understand layer masking well we can identify easily the overview of channel masking. Because both are using for the same purpose but in a different way.

we can initialize the difference between the normal photo and layer masking photo to comparing

So we need some photoshop tools to execute the editing successfully

Steps of layer mask

Step 1: First we need to open the desired image and then copy background layer

Step 2: Select background layer and press new layer icon on right under the layer panel to changing its layer color

Step 3: Go to background copy layer and take background Eraser tool to mask the area of hair surface slowly. But the time we did mask we have to adjust tolerance percentage to adjust masking with hair color. We can increase/decrease masking tolerance based on our satisfaction

Step 4: Take Lasso tool to draw a path around the object

Step 5: Select background copy layer and press Ctrl to select the path

Step 6: Then press (Ctrl+U) to inverse the area of the object & press backspace to remove the unwanted background color

Step 7: Now to remove unnecessary spots around the object selected area press Ctrl and select
background copy layer together to pick the outline of the object

Step 8: Press inverse (Ctrl+U) to active the outside area of the object and delete extra spot and sheds

Step 9: Select layer 1 to go Hue/Saturation (image > image adjustment > Hue/saturation) to check if masking is perfect or not by changing its color multiple times

Step 10: Zoom the image to check hair surface that how masking has done

Step 11: Open one of background image from outside and copy to work with it

Step 12: Go to edit page, select background layer and paste that outside background image

Step 13: Now we can see there is another background which is pasted successfully and removed the previous background

Step 14: Merge the entire layer together pressing (Ctrl+E) and save the JPEG format to save the final edited photograph

we will give you another  idea of Chanel masking on an image to change a background

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