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How To Create Natural Shadow In Simple 10 Steps on any object - Photoshop Photo Editing | Image Retouching | Background Remove | CutOut

How To Create Natural Shadow In Simple 10 Steps on any object

What we understands from  Natural Shadow 

When an object transform from its own background to new one then we have to create a new shadow which called natural shadow effect.Natural shadow is created by the object original shadow.Sometimes ,object need to give a dramatic looks such as mirror effect then the designer need to remove the background as per clients/buyers recommendation. To create more attractive looking, & giving natural view we use natural shadow. Eventually, this effect can give the product a premium look.

But remember , if object doesn't have any original shadow we cant apply natural shadow on that image.

If you miss the previous article of shadow effect and its discussion then click here

After understanding the natural shadow term why not we see some real life example by creating some shadow. So,we now initiate some detail steps of Natural Shadow making for your clear conception

Step 1: Select object and create path outline with the pen tool. Press (ctrl+c)+(ctrl+v) to copy the object on the new layer 1.

Step 2: Create new layer by pressing the new layer icon on bottom of the layer panel

Step 3:   Put a background color on the new layer 2 as white color.

Step 4 :  Then draw a path with pen tool on exact the bottom of the area which we want to make as a shadow

Step 5:  Go to background layer and copy only path area we created before on an object as a layer 3

Step 6:  Copy path area which is (layer 3) need to move as second layer on the layer panel just under the copy object layer (layer1)

Step 7: Selecting path layer 3 & go to image > Image adjustments > Hue/Saturation

Step 8: Adjust saturation (-54) to make the shadow more darken to look natural.

Step 9: Take Eraser tool to delete the unwanted area of the shadow under the object.

Step 10:  Merge the entire layer and save JPEG format of the image now

Here we focused to create first shadow which named Natural Shadow

    Our next article will be on  Drop Shadow

    Till then stay with us and have a basic idea of applying shadow from this Blog.

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