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How to Apply dispersion Effect with Photoshop - Photoshop Photo Editing | Image Retouching | Background Remove | CutOut

How to Apply dispersion Effect with Photoshop

The dispersion effect

The Photoshop dispersion effect, splatter effect, shatter effect, whatever you desire to describe it is a very popular method to employ on photographs, particularly those with movement.

Since this is such a popular technique, I figured I would take a stab at a tutorial, doing it my way. So here is a very easy way of receiving this effect. 

I prefer simple because the mechanics are really not that hard. Choose the finest brushes and where to use them does take a bit of perform to get decent results. So if you don’t find a good result the first time, don’t worry, just keep trying. 

Here we are starting our tutorial- 

Step 1: Open the image and select outside with polygon lasso tool

Step 2: Press (cntrl+j) for duplicate layer

Step 3: Again select background layer and select outside layer with polygonal lasso tool

Step 4: Hide copy layer and selecting background layer to (fill > content aware > OK) to delete the object

Step 5: Select layer 1 and select the object with quick selection tool

Step 6: Selection tool need to copy with (ctrl+j) to duplicate in layer 2

Step 7: delete layer 1 after duplicate previous layer

Step 8: Duplicate layer 2 in a new layer layer 2 copy

Step 9: Select layer 2 goes to filter > liquefy 

Step 10: On layer 2, add layer mask and layer 2 copies > add layer mask

Step 11: Select layer 2 and layer mask and (ctrl+i ) for black color 

Step 12: (Select layer 2 copy layer mask) and mask it with desirable brush

Step 13: Draw the pattern with brush you want create

Step 14: Select layer 2 layer mask and mask with white brush to make the pattern more you need

This is how we can apply dispersion effect with Photoshop

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