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How to Create product Image for upload to Amazon Site - Photoshop Photo Editing | Image Retouching | Background Remove | CutOut

How to Create product Image for upload to Amazon Site

Amazon photo requirements

Before posting add to sell the product for customer need to be careful to image you are posting. A customer always examines the features of the product to make a standard product image for advertising. Missing features are responsible to catch the client’s attention for poor presentation.


There are some important points to enlighten your product to the valuable customers

Highlight the product
Place Image requirements based on Amazon rules
Display different portions of the image product to let the customer identify its original features.

Amazon informs you the most important and most effective ways of photographing product for the product sale on the market. If you cannot use high tech light in your studio for photographing. There is nothing to worry about. Technology now gives a standard solution of any photographic disaster. Take a white background and click the product and rest will do Photoshop for the editing to protect dimensions.

The rules that need to follow before uploading your product photo on Amazon for successful sailing.

Rule 1: Images must precisely stand for the product and only demonstrate the product that’s for vending, with least or no prop.


Rule 2: Images should be 1,000 pixels or larger in either height or width. This minimum size requirement enables the zoom function on the website. Zoom has been proven to enhance sales. The smallest your file can be is 500 pixels on its longest side


Rule 3: Make sure the product is in frame outline


Rule 4: Main images have to have a pure white background


Rule 5: Make sure to place the object in the proper light, light reflection give a fuzzy effect to your picture; the product loses its transparency


Rule 6: Avoid product to be out of focus, blurry


Rule 7: Must not be numerous views on one image of the similar product

Rule 8: The object and props should fill up 80% space of the actual frame


Rule 9: Additional text, logos, or inset images are not allowed on the product image


Rule 10: Never click your photo in front of so many objects with dissimilar color.


Rule 11 :Amazon accept JPEG more than TIFF or GIF file formats


There are some more points you need to keep in mind before uploading your product to Amazon

1. major images must be the proficient photograph of the actual product

2. match the product title with the key product photo

3.To check the file size, go to Image -> Resize -> File Size.  A pop-up box will show you the dimensions where you can adjust the size of the image that meets the requirements

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